Bringers of light

It’s that time of year again: the festival of Lucia

Celebrated on December 13 with music and light.

The Lucia glides in wearing a crown of candles;


The rest of the singers follow, dressed in white.

Golden light illuminates beautiful faces full of song.

A reminder that candles need darkness

In which to shine.

Lucia singers

The wintry early light

Turns old church window into art —


I leave the concert

With hope in my heart.


For more sparks of love, please visit: Our World.

88 thoughts on “Bringers of light

  1. Hello, Hope you are having a wonderful December and will have a blessed Christmas… This is such a joyful time of year for so many—but it’s also the time when others experience a deep loneliness, and struggle during the holidays for many reasons. SO—today I ask you to stop what you are doing for a few minutes and say a prayer for someone you know who might be experiencing a hard time now… OR—better still, send them a card or give them a call. It will mean the world to them.

    Gorgeous photos –and service… That’s a wonderful way to leave a fantastic service like that. Thanks be to God for HOPE in our hearts.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.


  2. Thank you Fi for sharing these atmospheric, illuminating images at this special time of the year. I too pray that the hope you experienced on that occasion stays with you. May you and yours enjoy a meaningful Christmas celebration.


  3. Beautiful pictures, I like the light and the athmosphere! Thank you for sharing and have a very happy Christmas!


  4. Real candles! I’ve only seen the battery-operated sets. Safety concerns and regulations have altered the original celebrations. I imagine one must walk very carefully with lit candles on one’s head!


  5. So beautiful. I’d love to see the candles on the head. I love the candle light Christmas eve service we attend. I’d never thought about it but you are right. Candles need darkness.


  6. I remember your saying your daughter joined singers for that special service a few years ago. A beautiful flicker of hope. Happy holidays to you and your family!


  7. nice…after being in one of those ceremonies….all the voices rising as one…seeing the light push back the dark….hope can one not be filled with hope…i love that window picture….so blue…

    have a very merry christmas!


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