
You never know what might be waiting for you

Over the brow of that hill you’re struggling to climb;

(Can you see Oscar waiting for me?)

Oscar waiting

Or what small delights await

Around the corner.

Wait for me

Please forgive me if I don’t get around to visiting you this weekend.

We’re having problems with the Internet, which makes it incredibly slow and painful to visit blogs at the moment.

In the meantime, pay a visit to: Camera Critters.

62 thoughts on “Expectancy

  1. good luck with the internet woes (nothing more frustrating for a blogger!) just love that sweet boy of yours!


  2. ack…not a fan of internet issues…hope that clears up for you….discovering whats over the top of the hill…i do love that…its the motivation of hte climb…looks like you found some beauty surely in those trees….


  3. Oscar waiting for you – so sweet! But the second photo with the sunlight hitting those snow-frosted trees, and Oscar running to greet you, is my favorite!


  4. That’s worth climbing the hill for! (Both Oscar and the beauty). Hope you get your Internet fixed soon…so frustrating. How did we live without it for all those years?> (Well, not so many for you, but decades for me…and yet when ours goes flooey, I get absolutely crazy!)


  5. Beautiful photos, Fiona… Sorry you are having internet problems. That can be so frustrating… Hope it’s fixed soon. We are still in the throws of winter here too–but we don’t have that gorgeous snow.


  6. Of course I can see Oscar, I would spot him even on the next top! 🙂
    I love the second shot, so beautiful. Have a relaxing weekend, hope the internet works better as from next week.
    Love Dina


  7. Whoa, what a gorgeous scene with the snow on those trees. And Oscar is always a delight. Hope the Internet connection is resolved soon. So aggravating when that happens!


  8. Lovely Oscar, and gorgeous photo’s too, I hope you get your internet fixed soon, we have the same trouble here on and off, it’s frustrating!


  9. Your photos are perfect reminders for me, Fi – I continue to struggle on the path to health, but I can see there will soon be reward. Just viewing Oscar and your landscapes make me smile. Don’t bother to visit me – I haven’t posted for a long while.


  10. the beauty of blogging is that you dont have to be anywhere at a specific time … we’re always here …


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