Making wishes

Warning: This may be disturbing for passionate gardeners!

The poor maligned dandelion

Is really a miracle.

A drop of bright sun in the garden

That turns into a silken parachute.

It glows like a ruby in the sunset

Before ending its life on the wind —

And making wishes come true.

For more dreamy shots, please visit: Our World.

83 thoughts on “Making wishes

  1. Brings back so many childhood memories of blowing on dandelions. The images are absolutely beautiful.


  2. Interesting this should be your post! I just went biking along a scenic trail and had a few mouthfuls of these! They look much prettier on their stems! Stunning photos as usual!


  3. I love dandelions and you got such fantastic shots of its seeds. I spent many a happy hour as a child trying to blow them all off so I’d get my wish.


  4. The other day Romeo walked right over to a “puffy” dandelion (like the ones in your photos) and ate it. It was funny. I don’t know why he thought it was something to eat!


  5. Dandelions are a rite of passage maybe. Children love them but then are taught to hate them because they are “weeds.” Not me, my motto is “green is good” so I still love dandelions. Maybe I just haven’t grown up yet?


  6. I always thought the seeding dandelion was beautiful, and your shots capture it. Unfortunately I know it means more weeds in my yard!


  7. I like those! I also like those silly long stemmed yellow flower weeds that bloom everywhere in the Spring! I know they are weeds, but they are pretty ones! Love the photos. You are doing dandelions proud!


  8. Hi There, I used to ‘blow’ dandelions when I was a child… Little did I realize then that I was creating another dandelion with every ‘blow’…. ha ha … Even though I loved dandelions as a child, we do everything we can to keep them OUT of our yard these days… I like seeing them —just not in our yard! ha



  9. I love dandelions.;) Even now with a large lawn, I find them only to be the loveliest addition.;) Besides, their blooming time is limited and they pose very little nuisance.;) Beautiful images and narrative.;)


  10. Okay, while I love the photos – I have to admit I continually dig up the dandelions in my garden. Don’t mind them elsewhere – just not in my garden!!!


  11. Who could not appreciate the simple beauty of a dandelion! Lovely capture of the clock with the red evening sun shining through.


  12. As a child I can remember being told that the seed heads were called dandelion clocks. Depending how many times you have to blow to disperse all the seeds then that is the time! Has anyone seen the dandelion trees in Madeira when walking along the levines?


  13. If I had formal gardens, I probably wouldn’t like them. Since I’m not the formal type, I like them. Love how you captured their pretty puff balls.


  14. Beautiful captures! I especially like the one with the ruby glow! I am a volunteer wishgranter for a major wishgranting charity, and I just got back from some of my volunteer activities. How nice to see this ‘making wishes’ post.


  15. What a lovely dandelion series. I just love all the different takes on the bloom. I caught some bokeh in that last shot. Very nice. genie


  16. Oh sweet you.. this rminds me about my childhood, to blow dandelions.. Lovely magic photos along with your warm magic words..! 🙂


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