A day in the life of a Viking

Last month, I accompanied Anklebiter 1 on her class outing to Gunnes Gård, a reconstruction of a Viking farm.

We travelled a thousand years back in time by donning the clothes Vikings wore back then

And following an age-old path through the woods.

Suddenly, the air was split with the sound of a horn and a woman appeared before the old Viking gods blowing a horn.

It was a magnificent moment.

After leaving some small offerings to the gods and learning more about them, we were all given new Viking names for the day.

Living the life they lived a thousand years ago meant no electricity or phones, a lot of hard work around the farm and gardens,

Making bread over an open fire

And eating the most delicious lunch in a dim smoky old farmhouse.

When it was time to go home, the entire class groaned in disappointment.

Sometimes living life in another person’s shoes and shedding your own can be most enjoyable.

And there’s nothing like living history to really understand it.

For more new perspectives, please visit: My World.

84 thoughts on “A day in the life of a Viking

  1. This is my idea of fun, experiencing history like this. I loved going on field trips with my kids. So cool you got to go and thank you for sharing it – I’ve learned much more about Vikings through your posts than I ever knew before!


  2. That looks so Finnish!
    In Seurasaari, Helsinki we have a outside museum full of old wooden houses, tools etc.
    15 mins walk from our home 🙂


  3. I always enjoy these places. It is good for young people to learn they can survive with out all of the gadgets they take for granted. There is satisfaction to be had in doing for oneself and doing with less.


  4. Oh, beautiful words and images. I have been to a Medieval Fair once in a nearby city and enjoyed every minute of stepping into the past. Near a museum here often Viking Fairs are held as well, perhaps I will visit one this year.;))


  5. How fascinating! It’s been a while since I checked blogs, and it looks like I’ve been missing a lot of good reading!! Hope all is well.


  6. The Vikings are a most interesting people. In Great Britain there are many remnants of the viking period. Words like mail and many others are Scandinavian. They were very skillful shipbuilders and carpenters. The women were great weavers of woolen clothes, but also the sails of the ships were made of wool. Fascinating!
    Very beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing.


  7. What a wonderful experience!! Your daughter’s expression says it all- she’s too cute!! If I would have been there,I would have groaned the loudest when told it was over…
    Thanks for the trip in time!!


  8. What a fantastic way to learn and experience history!! As a former teacher, I am so impressed and wish more children had the opportunity to experience history rather than just reading about it! And your photos are superb!! Next best thing to being there myself! Hope you and your family have a great week!



  9. Looks like a neat place Fi!! It is great for kids to experience life back in the “olden” days :-)) We did that too as a kid, although it was visiting settlements from the first 13 colonies in the states :-))) So I have to admit, I thought only Norwegians were Vikings…..am I to understand Vikings were in essence- all Scandinavians??? The Swedish Vikings look much tamer then the Norwegian ones!!!! You should have posted photos of lunch, you said it was most delightful and my curiosity is peeked…..you know me and food ;-)))


  10. That is a great field trip! They have a similar thing here closeby but I don’t know if the kids get to spend the whole day like that and I am pretty sure they don’t wear the costumes. I am also sure they would have a hard time giving up their cell phones 😦 Love it!!!


  11. What a wonderful experience. I can understand why the children weren’t in a hurry to leave.
    I know bread can be baked over an open fire. I know it intellectually, but I can’t imagine myself doing it.
    Wonderful photos, as always, Fi.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel


  12. This is a great experience, getting yourself transported in time.
    Great captures of the event. I too would have groaned in disappointment had I been there.


  13. It must have been the most thrilling day to spend being dressed like the Vikings
    and being given’Vikings’s names!! Great experience for the children.
    Thank you for sharing the wonderful story and amazing photos. Have a nice day!


  14. Children can get hooked in historical and cultural things if only givenn opportunity. Hands-on experience is fun thing …. dressed in Viking’s cloth and given Viking’s name. Thank you for this interesting and informative post.


  15. Hi there – great set of pictures – we need to get kids out of the classroom and doing things like this more often.
    What amazes me about finding out about the past in this way is when we look at the kind of art that people produced – where did the time dome from for that? You can only go art if you don’t have to find food, fuel or shelter. Somebody must have been working doubly hard for each brooch and sword hilt we marvel at.
    Really good post.
    Cheers Stewart M – Australia


  16. that’s really fun and awesome experience for everybody! you’re right, sometimes it’s good to live a bit of somebody’s life. My world entry is up too.


  17. what an experience !! and thanks for the history lesson.

    breathtakingly beautiful shots! it”s really hard to pick a favourite.

    have a great day!

    p.s. loving your photography…proudly i added your awesome blog to my blog roll.


  18. Ärenvi, what a lovely old Viking name. I started out as a “mellanstadielärare”, so it all looks kind of familiar to me. 😉 I bet you had a wonderful day out as well.


  19. What a lovely day out! I’d like to bet they won’t forget what they learned on that day. Being from Yorkshire I probably have some Viking blood in me, and in fact my surname is from Viking times. It means ‘farmstead where rosehips grow’! Your photos are beautiful. I understand the Danish words are still quite similar.


  20. What an importat experience for these young folk. As our socirty becomes more and more dependent on technology our youth loses touch with the reality our forefathers lived. Great post!


  21. Indeed, I love going back in time whenever I visit historic places. We can do a little of that here in Charleston which is kinda old for the US. I enjoyed your images and your story here. The third picture is my favorite :^)


  22. What a wonderful way to spend the day..we need to promote more of this type of exposure in our school systems..children learn by doing and seeing and participating! It looks like such a fun day..I would have loved it! 🙂


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