
It’s tough being a kid these days.

Those bullies in the playground, those endless billboards showing perfect hair, perfect teeth, the perfect body…

It makes you want to hide from the world; it’s all too easy to make kids feel ugly or unwanted.

We have to give them the self-confidence to believe in themselves

And realize that they too are filled with light and beauty.

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.
— Confucius

For more beauty, please visit: Camera Critters.

56 thoughts on “Beauty

  1. You are spot on. I keep on wishing I could show my children how beautiful they are in my eyes. Not the beauty is only skin deep type, but the grace of their movements, or the gracious gestures of compassion they extend their fellowmen.


  2. You are a poet and a philosopher – both with your words and with your camera. (If it was me, I’d have made a terrible joke about swans mooning me – lol)


  3. Just wonderful, Fi. Such true words, and such lovely photos. The first picture sure made me smile.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel


  4. amen. we had twisted so our view of beauty that it becomes an impossible toil instead of recognizing the beauty within each of us…


  5. I think this is especially true for those raising daughters.
    Every time I see photos of your children, I can only be in awe of their beauty and perfection. God does good work! ♥


  6. our culture does so much harm to our children’s self esteem. it’s always been a phenotype-priority culture, but it sure seems to be raging out of control lately. i think that’s why there’s such an appetite for the type of ancient spiritual stuff you are saying here. beautiful blue water, cleansing.
    good to see you again:) hope all is very, very well.


  7. I think KC is right. My boys seem so confident and self-assured. I see that it’s more difficult to instill those qualities in daughters.. at least it would appear so.


  8. Perfect photos for this quote. Sometimes we really have to ‘look’ for the beauty in something…..but it is always there!!!


  9. I was a butt ugly kid. Didn’t keep me from having fun. It’s great to be good looking, but kids and the rest of us need to remember it’s just one of a lot of great things to be. We’re all something great, and nobody’s everything!


  10. It is tough. I remember facing that challenge in high school in the 1980s. Our group dubbed ourselves the Swiss Cheese Heads and ducked all the judgments to make it to the other side and have fun. Not easy.


  11. Of course I meant the photo was funny. The thought is not– but putting it with the photo of the hiding “ugly duckling” is a really clever way to make the point.


  12. Gotta say… I love that as he “hides” his face from the world, he is also sticking his butt out at them to show he just does not care what they think! 🙂


  13. >Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. Confucius

    That’s so meaningful.
    If Confucius could speak English, he’d probably say:
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 😉

    Actually there’s a similar saying like this in Chinese.


  14. This was just TOO CUTE! And so true also, it really is a shame that kids are exposed to the wrong idea of beauty in a daily basis…

    Loved it Fi!


  15. Truth with a coating of humor and good will. I’d be very challenged growing up in today’s world, but your children look strong and secure in themselves and perhaps much better prepared for modern life.


  16. Playground bullying is a big problem here too Fi. I agree with your other comments too. Loved your photos. Swans here are black – Dave


  17. Just wanted to thank you for recommending my “Coucher de soleil sur champ de pissenlits et boutons d’or”!
    Loved your swans too! And the first pic is simply too funny;o)
    Thanks for sharing;o)
    Have a nice and happy day****


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