43 thoughts on “Playful

  1. Such sweetness and fun. 🙂 I’ve missed your happy words and fun photo’s…glad I had this time to stop and say hello. 🙂 Happy weekend to you and yours. XX


  2. I think that the top photo has to be one of my very favourite photos. What can be more delightful than looking at a dog roll on grass.


  3. When yo said a quick dip in the water, I thought you meant you. Now I feel better knowing that I don’t have to compete with you to see who can swim in freezing cold water.


  4. Fabulous! I love your dog.
    Mine comes inside covered in bits of dry crunchy leaves several times a day now. I can’t keep up with her.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel


  5. Oscar is having a great time!

    When my favorite blogs come up on my reader, I get the title and the first few words of the post before I click on it.

    I have to say that as your site loaded I was saying to myself ‘this better be a post about the dog and not Lady Fi or the kids’ ;>)!


  6. Aren’t dogs wonderful? “Why aren’t you frolicking? It’s time to frolic! Let’s bounce and dance …and then role around with joy!”

    Dogs know how to live.


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