Forest gold

In September and October, the woods are full of people with baskets, torches and little trowels.

Because that is when you can find forest gold.

Hiding there under moss and in the dark damp secret places of the woods, if you look very carefully, you can uncover chanterelles and other delicious mushrooms.

(However, if you ask a Swede where to find great mushrooms, they will say, “Over there!” as they point to an area of forest the size of a small country. Their mushroom spots are guarded jealously and the location handed down from generation to generation.)

I took the anklebiters, the dog and an empty basket in the hopes of picking some of our own forest gold.

Chanterelles are very small and hard to find. You have to concentrate on the tiny details of the forest floor.

Soon the woods were ringing with excited cries, “I’ve found a house of mushrooms!”

“I’ve found a palace!” “I’ve found a whole family!”

“Have you found any yet, mama?” shouted the happy children.

“Well, I’ve found the last blueberry,” I said helpfully.

Soon, the basket was full of edible gold.

Dusk crept over the silent trees with the setting sun breaking free and shining gloriously for a few minutes.

I looked up – and discovered my very own forest gold.

For more stories. please visit: My World.

(Click the photos to enlarge.)

78 thoughts on “Forest gold

  1. Your photography is so incredibly sensitive. And your words as well. Like poetry in words and images. I love the way you capture moments. Like snippets of a dream…
    I recognize mushroom picking, even though I used to pick another kind with my parents.;)


  2. What a great post! It’s really great seeing the mushrooms you have there. We love mushroom season here (and everywhere else we have lived and hunted for them!). I’m posting a link here that will bring up a couple of posts we’ve done on the mushrooms we’ve seen this past year in the Sierra foothills. I think one of the reasons I find them such wonderful things is that they appear when the flowers have gone, and their colors brighten the fall and winter landscape so beautifully.


  3. Lovely images, I love mushrooms but am afraid I might kill myself picking the wrong ones one day I hope to be shown the secret world of champignons!


  4. Wonderful photos and so good that you’re passing on your knowledge to your children. I’m still learning the names! Mushroom hunters have been stalking our forests for weeks now during the day. I don’t know what happens at night 😉


  5. I wish I could tell the good mushrooms from the bad. My Mom can and will harvest edible fungi that she finds growing in a little patch on my lawn. I don’t dare do that myself.

    Thank you for stopping by my place the other day and leaving such a lovely note. You’re welcome to visit any time.



  6. Oh I love cantarelles, but wouldn’t dare pick my own, I’m too afraid I’ll pick the wrong kinda mushroom and end up sick! Even though I know we have a lot around our house and I’ve picked some I thought were right, I just have been too scared to eat them…but they are SO GOOD….what do you make with them?


  7. The mushrooms are a wonderful gold colour, and that blueberry is the bluest blueberry I’ve ever seen. Fabulous photos, and a fairy tale of a story.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel


  8. Beautiful post.

    I love finding mushrooms in the woods but have never had the nerve to pick any. I’m afraid I might poison my husband and myself. Someday I hope to find a guide who will show me all of the wonderful edible things that grow in the area where I live. 🙂


  9. Good post!You must be an expert in the field of mushrooms. Do you actually eat them? I remember that we were looking for edible mushrooms when I was young. It stands to reason that we knew at the time what they looked like. So we ate them. Now I wouldn’t dare picking mushrooms, let alone eating them.


  10. aloha,

    i love chanterelles, what a fun thing to do and explore the forests for golden treasures…oh i wish we could get those here in tropical hawaii 😦


  11. Nice photos and a great post. I’d be nervous about eating mushrooms I picked, I don’t know enough about them. But this makes me want to learn!


  12. They are fantastic mushrooms.
    But we dont get to use them very often where i work. lol
    Now these photos are really good.
    they dont look like they’ve been artificially blurred.
    They look like the real thing.
    i’m gonna guess they are
    Which isn’t easy to capture so cleverly.


    1. Many thanks. I wasn’t trying to blur them, but it was windy, the kids were moving and they turned out like that. I thought they looked artistic – even if it was accidental!


  13. Oh, what a lucky family to gather such gold from the forest floors. I fondly remember finding the chanties in the Pacific Northwest. This year I settled with Shaggy Manes at the canyon. Great captures and story.


  14. Mushroom, aren’t they just great! And your world is simply delightful. The enthusiasm of the children you captured so well, the beauty in details. And if comes from within; Emerson was so right.


  15. lol, yes, we guard it. 🙂

    What you have here is autumn chantarelles. They are usually small. The yellow ones can grow very large if left alone.

    You know the dish “pyttipanna”? The chantarelles, you shot, is very good in that one. 🙂


  16. Those chanterelles are beautiful. I’m envious of your woodsey cache! And the blueberry and golden leaf were icing on the cake, so to speak.

    Swedish mushroom hunters must be a lot like fishermen in Minnesota…if they have a special place on a lake where they catch a lot of fish, they will guard that secret location with their lives!


  17. Fi, I love your new blogsite setup including the colours. Those mushrooms look great. Look like toadstools to me, but you would know better? Do they taste nice? – Dave


  18. What an enchanting tale ya weave while ya guide us along on your golden hunt!!! This was just a marvelous post sweetie!!!

    God bless ya and have an awesome day!!!


  19. Ooh, those look good. Belated congratulations on your potw. Am just now catching up.

    I am reminded of a story I heard about a California family who went mushroom picking. Apparently they were, shall we say, less than careful, and following a delightful pasta dinner, all needed partial liver transplants. That must make for some great family memories:

    Hey Mom, remember the time you took us mushroom picking…


  20. Very nice, but did you find any leprechauns?

    I do love how people with photography skills make the world appear magical at every turn. Not everyone can do that (says a person who decidedly cannot do that, I lack the eye) but if there are leprechauns, they must come out for folks like you, with the magic eye.

    Thanks for sharing the results 🙂


  21. Lovely pictures as usual! I am too ignorant about mushrooms to try and find them to eat, but our piece of forest has other delights as well. Went tromping around yesterday to collect mosses for my “wood scapes.” I love all the different kinds of mosses. Never knew how many there were until I started paying attention!


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