Summer beauty

You know her as Anklebiter #1. This name doesn’t really do her justice. For one thing, she turned 9 on Monday and is more a shoulderbiter these days in stature.

The name doesn’t really sum up her true nature: kind, funny, warm, compassionate, adorable and extremely generous.

Light of my life.

A true beauty – both on the inside and the outside.

Happy Birthday, my summer treasure!

Brown and agile child, the sun which forms the fruit
And ripens the grain and twists the seaweed
Has made your happy body and your luminous eyes
And given your mouth the smile of water.

Pablo Neruda

For more beauties, please check out: My World.

43 thoughts on “Summer beauty

  1. Lovely, lovely, lovely. I remember the shared joy & tears when Judy got the call that you had her, I was with her with my own now 9 year old. A truly beautiful moment to share and a memory that will live with me forever.


  2. You chose a wonderful poem to accompany your birthday wishes. Kids grow up too fast. Ankle biter to shoulder biter! I’m sure to your daughter it seems a long time, but to you very short.


  3. You are the Mother of a nine year old! Time certainly does have a beautiful photo to forever remind you of her ninth year..Happy Birthday Shoulder/Ankle Biter #1 !! We can tell that your Mom loves you very much! 🙂


  4. Fi, the Neruda poem is perfect with the photo of your dear daughter. Happy Birthday to her. I still remember 9! I wish her a good year.


  5. That is a beautiful shot of your not-so-little anymore girl! It is amazing how fast they do grow up. It does not seem long ago that I was rocking my youngest and now she has 2 little boys.


  6. Happy Birthday!!! What a fun age. Soak up every minute you can! That picture has such a great feeling in it. Love the color and composition. I bet this becomes a treasure for her AND for you.


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