You’re telling me!

A couple of weeks ago, the small person you know as Anklebiter #2 (my son) turned seven. His shirt says it all: he is an energy bomb full of mischievous tricks, determination and – dare I say it? – a large dose of stubbornness.

What’s that, mum? He reminds you of someone? Surely… you don’t mean… ME?

He’s a self-assured little fellow, who doesn’t mind what others think of him. Many a time I’ve gone to playgrounds and shopping centres with him dressed in red flowery dresses when he was smaller. Those days are gone (and remembered fondly) – but he still goes his own way.

In spite of my patchy cooking skills, he wanted me to bake him a chocolate cake. It was an interesting experiment as I left it in the oven for a bit too long, and it was – how shall I put it? – very crunchy around the edges but lovely and soft in the middle.

Anklebiter #1 made some icing to hide the burnt bits and we stuck strawberries and sweets on the top. The cake disappeared quickly – in spite of the fact that we could also have played frisbee with it!

For more bites of life, please visit: My World!

52 thoughts on “You’re telling me!

  1. He does seem an absolute poppet. And perhaps he wouldn’t mind being called that either.
    I don’t know how it tasted, but the cake ‘looks’ lovely


  2. Oh, yes! I have four and they are all still their own people — they’re grown now, but I do remember when they were young ones! What an adventure, particularly for me as I had them late in life and that in spite of the fact that I was a teacher for a number of years. What a fun post, Ladyfi! Thanks for the memories!!



  3. Happy Birthday to Frank Sinatra Jr. who is doing it “his way!” Glad you all had a homemade cake – actually, crunchy on the outside and soft and chewy in the middle sound PERFECT to me – just the way I like it.

    And I miss the old days, too. TWM used to dress up like just about ANYthing but one of my favs was the Mrs. Nesbitt get up!


  4. A friend of mine once complimented one of my baking creations with, “good ingredients”. Which was really all that could of been said of that disaster. Your story shows that it just takes extra icing and sweets to get a group of 7 year olds to eat a cake made of cardboard. What do you think is more difficult, a child who has some of your good and bad traits, or a child that has those of your husband?


  5. That was a great idea for the cake. Didn’t like the suggestion of the frisbee! Better to eat it!

    My seven year old granddaughter also knows what she wants & often gets her own way. Its a lovely age though and I hope Ankle Biter had a really good Birthday. (Fascinated by the name!)

    Nuts in May


  6. Well your cake looks good to me! And I´m sure the kids loved it. 🙂
    You can be proud of your “anklebiter”. He sounds like he knows what he wants.


  7. What a great age! I’d go back to being 7 any old day so I could dress as I pleased, eat crunchy birthday cake with fruit on top and celebrate wildly.

    The Blue Ridge Gal


  8. Sounds like you all had a great time – and, seconding some of the other comments – crunchy on the top and soft in the middle sounds like the perfect cake!


  9. Well done on the cake and a belated Happy Birthday to your lovely son. As for the dress-wearing, did they have to be red? Was it the colour he loved or just the swishiness of a dress?


  10. Ah, yes – 7!!!! I love this age child – my favorite when I used to teach was second to fourth. They are still so imaginative and unselfconscious. May he always know his mind and beat his drum to the rhythm he hears. Happy birthday to him (actually the cake LOOKS yummy!).


  11. Happy Birthday to your son. Hahaha, it is the same with my sons. They are two years apart but I used to dress them in shirts of the same colour and pattern and people thought they are twins. As they grow up, they hated it…lol.


  12. Your baby is seven..they grow up so fast! Happy Birthday to your Anklebiter!! I love his shirt, I would have prefered to see his handsome face too! Sometimes your camera skills are like your baking..but I would say you lucked out with the looks yummy!! 🙂


  13. Happy Belated Birthday to you little man! I hope he always has the self-confidence to do things his way. We should all have that attitude.


  14. A very happy but belated birthday wish to your very cute son. And that cake looks just delicious and very fancy! Crunchy on the outside would appeal to me, I have to admit.


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