The good, the rad and the ugly

The good: I’m in heaven! I won a stunning pair of earrings from Mid-life Bloggers. A girl can never have too many earrings (or chocolate)!

The rad: After football practice, Anklebiter #2 came home hungry and thirsty. When I offered him a biscuit to go with his water, he said, “No. I want a carrot please!” That’s right – carrots are the new candy!

The ugly: A long winter season means indoor activities like football and floor hockey – and when I say indoors, I mean in our smallish living room. (We even have an ice hockey goal indoors.) Oh, the drama and fun we’ve had… but also some terrible losses. Here’s one of the poor victims of living room hockey…

At least the rest of us still have all our teeth intact.

29 thoughts on “The good, the rad and the ugly

  1. The earrings are gorgeous but oh your poor lamp!!! And dear Fi, I’d faint if my kids asked for a carrot! Be greatful!! :-)))


  2. Am I glad I am not the only one that such things happen to (the broken lampshade, I mean).

    And dead right – you can never have too many earrings.


  3. those earrings are super cute…very springish/flowery looking! Perfect for your new haircut that we have not seen yet! :o)


  4. Oh say it isn’t so! The lamp, the stalwart lamp has fallen in battle!

    You are a good and patient woman, if I caught my son playing hockey in the living-room, there’d be more victims than just the lighting 🙂

    However, the earrings do make up for a great deal, don’t they?


  5. Congratulations on the earrings they are stunning!! The carrot comment made me laugh but awww, your poor lamp…it looks like a lovely one too!!

    C x


  6. Oh now — if you’ve got an anklebiter who goes for the carrots instead of the cookies — and you let the kids have fun indoors when its too cold to got out — then you are the best mom in the world — and who cares about a lamp anyway when everybody’s happy ;>))


  7. Well, you’ll look glam in the new earrings, Fi. But – I think that lamp has lived through its last season. Too bad. Hopefully, your snow will soon melt, and the children can play outdoors.


  8. My daughter has two boys, 6 and 9, and her living room is a full time sorts arena during the winter. There is a hutch full of china with glass doors and I am amazed it hasn’t been a casualty. Those are very fun earrings that you won.


  9. The earrings are fabulous! I had to giggle at the lamp, though. Those things are not very sturdy to begin with, we have an IKEA lamp.


  10. Wow … those earrings are amazing!
    And a kid asking for a carrot!??? WOW! Amazing! Unexpected! Terrific.

    And the lamp … well, that kind of stinks.


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