Enchanted horses

I couldn’t resist posting a couple more photos of those delightful frolicsome creatures: Icelandic horses.

Just look at them – they’re enchanting little fuzzy carpets on four hooves!

(Click the photos to enlarge them.)

Even in a terrible snowstorm, both the horses and owners seem to be having such fun.

These Vikings epitomize endurance, don’t you think?

For more cheerful creatures, please visit: Camera Critters
and Pet Pride!

43 thoughts on “Enchanted horses

  1. They are lovely looking. Even though you must be so fed up with the snow by this point, it does add to the magic of the moment.


    1. It’s not “fortunate” so much as a result of simple evolution. The Icelandic breed descends from horses vikings brought over to Iceland long ago and the horses that didn’t have thick winter fur wouldn’t have made it through the harsh winters. Interestingly this has led to a breed that is so adapted to cold that it actually doesn’t fare well at all in the Swedish climate — it’s too warm. I hope that the horses in Fi’s photos are Swedish-bred horses and not imported, as otherwise they’re probably miserable in the summers.


  2. You’ve got some great comments….I looked at the photo’s and all I could think about was a pantomime horse!! (sorry, it was the seperate head and bottom that did it!)

    C x


  3. The natural world and all its creatures never fails to amaze me. It’s great to have so many ways these days to learn and see more — TV and photos and the Internet — your photos!

    The “stain glass” photo of your previous post is stunning!


    1. Good question! We thought we would be thawing out right about now.. and indeed, lots of roads were clear. But now a snow blizzard has covered us in snow again…


  4. Fiona, I don’t want to say that I have been lurking. More or less just dropping by when I have a quick moment. Those horses are stunning, is there a photo shoot in your future?

    What great subjects they would make.



  5. Fantastic horses!

    A lot tougher than the horse the NLSM’s sister was riding yesterday but then again she was able to ride in a t-shirt! Spring has finally come here!


  6. ‘Fuzzy carpets on four hooves’ – wonderful description. I imagine riding in a snowstorm might be rather hazardous but I suppose they’re very sure-footed ( should that be ‘sure-hoofed’?)


  7. I prefer big Thoroughbreds and Warmblood, but Icelandics are a hoot and a holler, too, when they get going — and strong as all get out. Those necks are solid muscle. Just try turning one of them when they don’t want to go that way. Great photos. Horses — I love them all!


  8. They look like a great companion to share a snow blizzard with. We are still on a roller coaster here…..65 today and snow coming in tonight for a couple of days.


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