Celebrate our differences

The large dog stopped and – curious – bent down to say a gentle hello.


For a few seconds, two creatures that were so wildly different shared a common moment of connection; a bond between two fellow creatures sharing the same space, the same air.

I wonder if there is a lesson here that we could all learn – and benefit from.

For more animal encounters, please visit: Pet Pride.

30 thoughts on “Celebrate our differences

  1. Ewww, the brown slugs. Around here, you’ll find them bathed in salt – apparently that kills them because I guess they are really bad for the vegetation, or something. But, I digress.

    Yes, we could all learn something from dogs – they always stop to say hello!


  2. Yeah, when we were kids we’d put salt on slugs and they would blow up…pretty nasty..and probably not very nice..but hey we were kids! A dog can eat poo, so I take it with a grain of salt who they cuddle up too…they aren’t too very picky!! hahahaha! Seriously though, yes, the lesson lies in how a dog accepts anything and everything and we could definitely learn something from them…why do you think I have so many? I’m trying desperately to learn as much as I can..hahahaha…


  3. Yes, we could all learn from animals … and kids.
    It is the process of ‘growing up’ that knocks basic humanity and humility and curiousness out of all of all.


  4. Yuck – I have to stop the bichons from exploring too much at the moment. The other day Poppy licked what I thought was a frog but it must have been a toad because she had the most horrible toxic reaction and I thought I would have to do an emergency visit to the vet.

    It was 5am and I was half asleep on the doorstep whilst she was fumbling in a corner of the garden. It all worked out okay though but now I am like an inspector, standing just by them when they have to ‘faire le pee pee’


  5. You are right about respecting all forms of life of course. Although slugs don’t respect my hosta-collection at all! But I only kill them accidentally, when I stand on them in the dark. And I always say sorry. But by then it is too late. 😮


  6. I saw Bootsie out in the garden this morning, he was standing still, and staring at the bird feeder. Below it, not 12 inches from him, was a brown squirrel, some kind of communication was going on, it definitely was a moment between the two of them.



  7. I must tell you, the slugs have nearly destroyed my garden in spring. YET there is always a longing for peace in nature and a sense of longing for the lion and lamb to lie down together!


  8. Oops, slugs are not very popular around here! The not-so-little man’s a great help in the garden particularly killing slugs with his special slug scissors! It all started a few years ago when they ate his first sunflowers! Ever since, he’s been on a bit of a slug killing mission!

    Clive however would touch nothing, just like Oscar!


  9. We have some pretty large banana slugs, but that is the biggest slug I have ever seen!!

    And yes, we could all stand to take note of that lesson. But that slug is HUGE!


  10. Interesting thought. Reminds me of some unlikely friends photographed recently that are currently circulating in email … brought together by the disaster of Wildfires. I’ve been thinking of sending them to my representatives in Congress along with a plea that they actually listen to and talk with one another with civility and open minds. Thanks for visiting Small Reflections over the weekend.
    Hugs and blessings,


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