Of miracles and kindness

MiracleHave you read the No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency books written by the prolific author Alexander McCall Smith? I hope so – otherwise you are really missing out on tales of kindness, human nature, good and bad in Botswana.

A couple of weeks ago, I finished the ninth book in the series: The Miracle at Speedy Motors. Mma Precious Ramotswe, the only lady detective in Botswana, once again sets out to deal with a number of cases in a very compassionate and gentle way. There are the threatening anonymous letters, a client’s search for the truth about her family, as well as her husband’s own pursuit for a miracle for their wheelchair-bound foster daughter.

Oh – and let’s not forget the girl-obsessed mechanics at her husband’s garage and her assistant, Grace, wearer of extremely large glasses.

Mix these characters with a dash of detective work. Then sprinkle with a large dose of human compassion and reflection. You then enter another world where the pace is slower, and where gentleness and kindness – not to mention lots of red bush tea – can still solve most troubles.

27 thoughts on “Of miracles and kindness

  1. I have the whole series! I love the stories, the tone. It all seems so real. There’s a movie version now, well, a series of episodes that was on TV in the States. They were wonderful, which was a bit of a surprise because I don’t usually enjoy movie versions of books very much. I hope the series comes out on DVD because I want to have them, and I don’t ever buy movie DVDs.

    I also drink rooibos tea ( bush tea) which is very popular in Holland, and cheap. I just came back from Holland and I brought a ton of rooibos in my suitcase. 😉


    Miss Footloose


  2. I’ve frequently picked one or other of this series up and then put it down again. Don’t know why. But after this I’ll be carrying it to the till!


  3. I read the first book years ago but a friend of mine has just loaned me 44 Scotland Street….I’m really looking forward to reading it!!

    C x


  4. They are a brilliant series, soon to be movie or TV series. You are certainly make your bloggers work with all these recommended books!


  5. Never heard of them. But am waiting for YOURS. Somehow I have the feeling your book would be extremely entertaining. So, when do we see it, milady? 🙂


  6. I read the whole series some years ago, and LOVED the books. Not sure I want to watch the screen version though. My imagination and the words have created a world I don’t want to see changed!


  7. At the high school where I was the principal, our English classes read several of the No 1 ladies´ books as English texts and they are AWESOME! They even had some educational exchanges with a school in botswana!


  8. Aren’t these books wonderful? I started them when they first came out and then kind of lost track of them somewhere after book 4. I’ll have to catch back up!


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