Croc hunting

When I catch the crocodile who materialized out of my son’s imagination and into his bed at three in the morning, causing him to shriek so that the very heavens split apart, my heart stopped beating and I lay bolt upright for the next hour or two in a state of shock while comforting said son…


… I’m going to turn him into particularly ugly pair of Crocs.

31 thoughts on “Croc hunting

  1. Crikey. I hope it’s “See you later alligator” or “In a while crocodile.” Crocodiles are scarey – I went to a croc park in Australia and I made a mental note never, ever to get into an argument with one.


  2. For an awful moment I thought you were going out to buy that horrible range of footwear called Crocs. I mean I don’t want your son to have nightmares obviously, but I am slightly relived


  3. you’ll have to try and turn it around today, and show him how lovely crocs can be … btw, they are very comfy on the feet and give lots of space for toesies (though I don’t wear them).


  4. In the wardrobe…they are scarey places..I have a imitation pair of black crocs..and I love em. so there!


  5. When I was a child, anytime there was a thunderstorm, I would insist on having my Mum sleep with me. In my bed. I’m sure I ruined her sleep innumerable times, and that she cursed those night-time thunderstorms!


  6. He needs a croc slaying a magic erases all traces of Crocs! I remember those nightmare youngest grandson has mightmares sometimes and needs to snuggle with granny to make them go away.
    I love my crocs, sure they are ugly, but really heaven for my feet:)


  7. Our prowlers were very punctual . . . showing up precisely twenty minutes after I’d read “Where the Wild Things Are.”

    Mr. M has grown up a little since then. Instead of hearing prowlers he goes on the prowl and sets his sail for my bed.


  8. He needs a crocodile tooth necklace, methinks, to ward off all that evil…

    (Any fossil tooth on a cord might do, ladyfi… Bless him, it’s worth a try!) Best of luck! xox


  9. That probably brings you back to those nights when your son woke you up as a baby. I call those nights my jet lag moments. Hope he sleeps tonight and onwards.


  10. I saw you around at Fhina’s and David’s and meant to visit in the past. The croc almost chased me away today. But then, the picture of politicians slapping around felt familiar and friendly. I had a great time here.


  11. Awww Poor Lil Guy. He would make a lovely pair of boots lol.
    Thanks for stopping by an for the comment on my post about Robynn’s Ravings. She’s not hard to love is she.. She’s brought so much laughter in my life lately.
    Sweet Croc’less dreams to your little one.


  12. I hope the little guy feels better. 😦 Nightmares suck. I’ve suffred from them off and on my whole life. Hugs go a long way to making the horrible crocs go away.


  13. HAHA! We get the same thing with Emma. She kept looking at this book before bedtime then having nightmares about it. So now she can’t look at that book before bedtime anymore.


  14. Oh my, what big teeth you have!

    I’m not so sure about the crocodile, but as a Mom you certainly rock! Big time! Mom is on the case, no more snapping crocs in that little fella’s dreams.


  15. Oh, I absolutely ADORE this post!!!!! You have a terrific wit!!!!! Well-done!!!!! Perfect timing!!! Wonderfully executed!!! LOL…Congrats on POTD! This is a certainly a winner!!!! ~Janine


  16. So I don’t have a son’s shriek to awake me at 3 a.m…. but I do have a certain pupster who can’t seem to hold her bladder, or who hears something outside and must start barking. ACK! Can one ever get an entire night of solid sleep?!


  17. Have you checked the closests? That’s where I’d be if I were a Croc.

    And the Croc shoes? Ugliest things. Make sure you kill those, too.


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