Holding onto winter

While spring blossoms in people’s  hopes, some of us are too busy holding onto winter. First, get a neighbour with a big spade and a special igloo-building bucket and then round up the kids on the street…


Work all afternoon with miniature-sized  helpers… (Wear a helmet in case of falling ice bricks!)


Let the kids go in for tea, while the artistic neighbour with the big bucket and spade continues working until it is dark.


Get up early on Saturday morning and continue building the igloo. Make sure it is big enough for the kids to stand up in. Oh – and don’t forget to build a door and a little window. Lay down a carpet of pine branches and put four children-sized chairs inside the igloo. Stand back and admire the result!


Let the igloo stand there in proud defiance of the thaw that is just starting. (Make sure you eat your veggie hot dogs in there before it melts!)

Yup – some of us find it hard to let go of winter. We just want to enjoy its very last moments — to the full!

32 thoughts on “Holding onto winter

  1. The weather man says winter is scheduled to return here just in time to coincide with the first day of spring. Maybe an igloo building kit would help us cope.


  2. This is the best igloo I’ve ever seen! Totally awesome! I love it — I want to play in it! I know that just building an ordinary snowman is hard work (at least it was for me — all that crouching and rolling did me in) so I can only imagine how much effort went into this!


  3. That’s awesome! My boys would have been there, helmets on, ready to help in anyway possible, and would have worked until dark with the grown-up set. What fun!


  4. That is SO COOL!!!! Almost eskimo quality and certainly better then anything I’ve ever witnessed first hand!!! What lucky kids!!!


  5. Hmmm. We have some winter remnants that I’d like to send your way, please!

    Actually, if I had a super cool igloo like that I might want to keep winter around a little longer, too!


  6. What a cool igloo! (Well, obviously cool otherise it’d melt). When I were a kid, I loved making igloos and stuff like that when English winters permitted.


  7. I love that, my Uncle, and my Dad used to make us giant snowcaves, and GIANT snowman. Makes me wonder who the kids really were.



  8. How fancy is that – your own private igloo. How do they stop all those ice buildings melting (isn’t there an ice hotel somewhere in your neck of the woods?)


  9. THat is the coolest thing! I can’t imagine how much fun it would be to be a kid and have your own igloo! It looks like a ton of hard work. And what a nice neighbor you have!


  10. How amazing! I’ve never built an igloo or even seen one. This sounds like it was a lot of fun! Could you post pictures of the inside too?


  11. That awesome! What a great fort. Wow what a difference, here it was in the 70’s so beautiful and warm. May Spring and warmth find you soon my friend.
    I also wanted to thank you for your thoughts and prayers. For the loss of a great friend.


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