Lost and Found in India

rangoliOne of the inexplicable yet positive things about blogging is the sense of community with people that you have never met. On  a certain level, you feel as if you know your fellow bloggers: you read their posts, laugh and cry with them, and wonder if they are all right when they haven’t posted in a while.

That is why I was shocked and saddened this morning when I popped over to Braja at Lost and Found in India to see whether she had arrived in Bangkok en route to New Zealand. I left a flippant comment and then started reading some of the other comments. That is when I was horrified to hear that she and her husband Jahnu were in a very serious car accident. Their taxi crashed headlong into a lorry near the airport, where Braja was due to catch her plane.

She is conscious and suffering from some broken bones and facial injuries. Apparently, she had plastic surgery on her face yesterday. Her husband is more seriously injured and is still unconscious. His condition is critical. The taxi driver is also seriously hurt and his legs are badly injured. You can find out more here – this is updated regularly with news about their condition.

Many of you will share my sorrow on hearing this news. Although we have not met Braja, we consider her to be our friend; a wonderful spiritual person who reminds us about what is important in life; who encourages us to remember the beautiful and spiritual side of life. And – oh! – how she makes us laugh with her wicked sense of humour!

I don’t know if you believe in the power of prayer: but I think she does. So, please, keep her and her husband and the taxi driver in your thoughts and your prayers. I’m a great believer in the power of positive thinking, so I’m hoping it will be helpful and uplifting for her to know that we are all thinking of her. You might like to visit her blog and leave her a loving comment. It is my hope that this will help lift her spirits during this difficult time.

I’ve included a picture of this rangoli design to remind us all of the beauty that is at the heart of Braja.

54 thoughts on “Lost and Found in India

  1. Oh how awful, I am sending some positive thoughts. It is sunny here which is uplifting for the spirit, so I will think flowers and sunshine.

    Best wishes Blu x


  2. What a dreadful thing to happen to Braja – I wonder if Henry’s mum knows – they’ve got quite close I believe.

    I don’t believe in prayer – I’d rather believe in the power of the medical staff.


  3. p.s. – well spotted Lady Fi. Very often when there are dozens of comments left on a post it is very tempting -and I usually do – to just skip past them (anything over 20 I don’t usually bother, except on my favourite blogs).

    Poor Braja and family.


  4. I’m sorry to hear about the accident. I was glad to read that doctors are making progress with their injuries. I’ll keep all three of them in my prayers.


  5. Wow! Thanks so much for letting me know about this, I had no idea. I have not read her blog for a few days so I didn’t know. I read her blog regularly and consider her a cyberfriend. I certainly will be praying.


  6. I am so sorry to hear this but i am amazed at how connected we all become with these little blogs we write about our lives…. makes the world seem like a smaller place….

    And about your blog carnival that is coming up, the post that I received the Most comments on in the last couple of months was this one..
    the one where I compared what I had found in the Danish gymnasium to my experiences in a Texas high school…
    thanks for including me!


  7. Oh my gosh. I wondered if she was okay. She’d emailed me that she was going to call me while waiting for her flight and when I didn’t hear from her, I’d assumed she got busy.

    Thank you for letting us know.


  8. Oh my God. I have just got back home, downloaded my emails and got to this. Thank you so much Lady Fi for letting me know. I’m devastated. I liaised with her regularly by email, and she loved Henry. I’m not religious, but evenso I will pray for her. I’m simply shocked…


  9. Like you, I was idly strolling down the comments when I read the shocking news. To “know” Braja is to love her. I truly hope that she can somehow feel our love and concern.


  10. oh no. What a horrible tragedy. I will pray for them all, that they may recover quickly and completely, and that they can come to know the outpouring of love and support that surrounds them.


  11. Although we’ve never ‘met’ I feel that I know you and Braja from following Henry the Dog’s blog.

    What a terrible shock. My thoughts and prayers are for her, her husband and the taxi driver.

    Marie (from the Bogof blog)


  12. Thank you for sharing this information.

    After the tremendous response my mom recieved, from well wishers around the world when she was diagnosed with cancer,
    I truly do believe in the power of prayer.

    I will certainly keep them in my prayers.


  13. LadyFi and Henri’s mum – Thank you so for sending messages about whether cards can be taken in to Braja and Jahnu (not to forget their driver), by her community in Mayapur – I am sure if we Google the hospital address, it would be easy enough, however, we need to ensure that culturally this is the right step, and that the hospital can cope with what we send…

    Love and blessings all, namaste xxx

    Update: Darling LadyFi – I now have the hospital’s address, should you need it – Google is a wonderful support in emergencies – for when your contact says we may send cards – my best wishes to you, Fhi x


  14. Thank you for letting us all know about this tragedy. I’m so shocked – I can’t believe it. I’m off to her blog to see what else I can learn. And, in the meantime, I’m sending prayers and healing thoughts.


  15. I am so sorry to hear that. I do wish both of them a speedy recovery. Was the taxi accident in Bangkok? My Father’s wife also suffered a taxi ride in Bangkok where they hit a lorry, and she’s told me the story many times. She had to have major surgery in the American hospital in Bangkok. She said it was the best hospital with the best Doctors. Thank you for sharing with her blogger friends around the world.


  16. Oh my heavens. She has been a dear blogging friend for months. But I didn’t know this until now. I will pray, of course. Thank you for telling me.


  17. The design is very beautiful. My indian neighbour used to draw them too whenever there’s a festival. Sometimes they used rice or chalk to design them.

    Am sorry for your friend and her husband. Hope they will be up and about again.


  18. There’s a prayer/moment of silent thought for Braja tomorrow at noon, (your noon wherever you are). Also, I have a praying hands icon on my blog that everyone is welcome to use on their own sites. I was thinking it might be cool if Braja sees that in lots of places when she returns.


  19. It is funny how we connect through these blogs with people we have never met and probably never will meet..
    I haven’t been to her blog but she and her husband and the taxi driver will be in my prayers…thanks for sharing


  20. I’m crying for Braja… oh, I hope she and her husband and the driver are recovering. I’m going to go follow some links. And pray.

    Heart breaking.


  21. I’ve never met her but have lurked on her site a couple of times. I’m sadden to hear this news but I too believe in the power of prayer, so I’ll keep her and her family in my prayers.


  22. I know what you mean about feeling a kinship with bloggers that you meet. I’ve come in contact a few time with Braja and I know many of the blogs I read just adore her to pieces so I was very sad to hear about her accident. I am sending good wishes through the universe and I pray that all affected will be able to recover as fully as possible.


  23. Dear Beautiful Bloggers… I am Brajas friend Jambavati from New Zealand, She was on her way to stay with me for a while in Godzone!! I have spoken to her recently and she is in fine spirits. I just want to thank you all on her behalf for all your love and prayers . She told me she feels it all tenderly washing her soft loving heart . bringing healing and solace from all corners of the planet.
    Blessings and Love to you all!!


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