
As you may or may not know, I have two jobs – both to do with writing. On Mondays, I take the little blue tram into Stockholm to sit in the office and work for a day. It’s nice to get out of the house and my usual routine of coffee, work and fetching the kids from kindergarten and school. It’s my day of treating myself to a lunch out, doing a bit of mindful shopping (usually at the health food shop and the book store) and pretending to be hip while sitting at my favourite café and drinking a really good coffee.

On the way back from lunch, coffee and a haircut (it’s amazing what you can pack into a lunch hour!), I was stopped in my tracks by .. er… well, ice. As you have probably gathered, Swedes are obsessed with the stuff: they build bars, and restaurants, and hotels out of it. Or they can be found enjoying the icy surfaces of lakes and inland seas at the weekends as they skate on it.

n-iceIt turned out quite n-icely.

Oh – what is it? A big block of ice, lying on a bed of ice chips. Inside the ice block there are a lot of corks. It was an advertising stunt for the Wine Cellar. I wanted to join in and sample a few wines, but you had to be ‘in the trade’ in order to be allowed entrance. Apparently, just claiming to love wine wasn’t enough.

Sadly, but soberly, I went back to work.

24 thoughts on “Cool!

  1. No, I didn’t know you had two writing jobs – I should have guessed really because you write so well. I’ve never been to Sweden but I always think of Stockholm as one of the most sophisticated cities in Europe.

    Shame you couldn’t do any sampling


  2. I’m always saying that you should write a book! You have such a cosy, readable style, so many interesting things to say, and I’m sure it would be a bestseller!


  3. What a great lunch hour you had. All I do on mine is take pictures, and more pictures, and then more pictures…….

    Love the corks in the wine, “tiny corks” in the wine……. “make me happy, make me feel fine”



  4. I didn’t realize you wrote scripts. Movie scripts? The ice sculptures are beautiful, and I love the idea of corks in it. How long before it melts I wonder?
    My hair appointments take 2 hours. I get it colored, that’s why.


  5. Kata – very cruel!

    Dog-geek: LOL!

    FF: Stockholm is a lovely city!

    Sir Pe and Karriarmamman: Thanks! Blush! Me .. write a book? This blog is emough!

    Blu: Yes – red wine at room temperature, please!

    Caution: I’m pretty efficient as long as I don’t work at the office!

    Jen: It’s the first time I’ve taken my camera to work…

    Amy: You crack me up!

    Gutsy W: I really do need to colour my hair and hide all that silver!


  6. You had your camera handy! Is this a new rule after the life and limb episode yesterday? I think it was a good thing for you to stay sober, who knows what mayhem may have been caused by a few/many glasses of wine:)


  7. SirPe: I second your comments. I, too. keep telling Fi to write a book- she is enormously readable. memoirs, I think, would be good as she has done a lot on interesting things in her life. How Mum and Dad would react, I’m not so sure!! There would be lots of unkown incidents coming to light!! but Mum also enjoys this blog enormously.


  8. hmmmm.. interesting idea for all those corks I seem to have now that I live in Denmark, land of WINE WITH EVERYTHING….

    ok, about those jobs…
    what happens on the days that are “not Monday”?? That could be your next post…


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