
Dear Readers,

Thank you for your good wishes yesterday. I did indeed get some chocolate cake. Quite amazing really as I have not eaten cake on my birthday for the past seven or eight years! What an oversight, right? As neither Sir Pe nor I are any good on the cooking front, Sir Pe surprised me with a bought cake. One that he picked out with loving care though.


The chocolate icing hid a soft chocolatey sponge with apricot jam between the layers. Quite an unusual taste – but a good one.

Now, I promised Sir Pe that I would be kind to him about the cake. So, I won’t mention the fact that those green cherries were really quite luminous – almost neon green – in real life, so that they resembled droppings from little green men or Rudolph the reindeer’s nose gone mouldy. No siree – I won’t mention it! I will tell you, however, that I ate them up anyway. And those big flowers were made out of marzipan and were utterly delicious, according to the kids. (I didn’t get a look-in, although I did manage to purloin one of the marzipan leaves when no one was looking…)

I ate a big slice of the cake for supper – and drank a cup of tea – and that was it! I was stuffed to the gills and quite unable to eat anything else. (The leftover slices were shared with some neighbours.)

I woke up this morning, still feeling full.

And that, dear readers, is the true wonder of birthday cake.

17 thoughts on “Stuffed!

  1. Seven or eight years? Wow. I love cake. A lot. I couldn’t imagine going seven or eight months without eating cake.

    Those were marzipan flowers? Wow, they looked real!


  2. Unfortunately, I’ve never encountered that phenomenon. I can eat cake for dinner, before bed, and again for breakfast, and so on. It’s a bit tragic, actually.


  3. Heh, after Sunday’s blog entry, I didn’t dare not produce a cake yesterday 🙂 . Glad you found it tasty and satisfying!


  4. That’s sweet that he went out and bought you a cake. I’ve asked, selected the cake, and even offered to prepay if Hubby would bring me a cake on my bday. Still waiting…


  5. Oh man, it’s typical me to miss a birthday even when it’s written in plain daylight on the internet!!! A thousand apologies and a thousand more belated well wishes for your big day! I assume you are now 29+1 day? 😉

    Your chocolate cake looked beautiful but the description of neon green balls and marsipan flowers kinda lost me… The best chocolate cake is a Cracker Barrel Coca Cola Cake…YUM…..moist and chocolatey….can’t ask for more!!

    Hope you also got those books you were hinting towards and hope you had a splendid day otherwise!! CYBER Birthday hugs from Norway 🙂


  6. Well,Amy, I am the baby sister and I am 40 something, so I think LadyFi is 29 + 1 in her dreams!!

    The cake looked delicious and hope you had a good day!


  7. I have to admit, the neon green cherries would have scared me a little. Plus, I’ve never been one for diluting my chocolate with any sort of fruit. But it was a pretty cake while it lasted.


  8. So sweet that you are pampered by the family waking you up with a cake. Mine will be next month but my cake will only appeared after dinner…lol. Pop over to my blog for a piece of DIY bak kwa or rougan(similar to your beef jerky). 🙂


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