The charms of old houses

I’ve just got back from a business trip to Roros, Norway (my third visit there) —

An old mining town in the mountains that is now a UNESCO world heritage site.

Mining huts

Modern-day inhabitants live in the old mining huts

And houses dating back to the 1600 and 1700s.

Blue skies

A lot of the old houses have been restored

And keep their dark facades —

Giving parts of the village a medieval feel.


People kept telling me how mild winter had been

And that there was a metre less snow than normal.

(Still looks as if they had some decent snowfall though…)

Back of rickety houses

Even pets in the village

Have their own wooden huts.


And look – the kennel even shares another feature of the old houses:

A grass roof!

Fuzzy roof copy

I leave you with a final image —

The optimism of drying clothes outside

In the freezing temperatures.

Surely this is a sign of spring in the mountains of Norway?

Washing line

For more charming stories, please visit: Our World Tuesday.




85 thoughts on “The charms of old houses

  1. Would make a wonderfully atmospheric film set!

    Now, let me think, what movie lends itself to such a unique setting?

    Marvellous captures.


  2. I went to Norway many years ago and was enchanted with this beautiful country. Your photos are marvelous and bring back many wonderful memories. Thank you so much! 🙂


  3. Gorgeous OLD homes in Norway… They are really in great shape though… I love seeing them.. BUT–I cannot imagine hanging your clothes outside to dry in frigid temperatures… YIPES.



  4. What a fascinating place — like stepping back in time!! How wonderful that it’s still being occupied! Superb captures as always!! I do love the roofs, too!! Have a great week!


  5. You captured the charm of those old houses wonderfully.
    I have never seen a grass roof …wow!
    You are a great photographer
    I do so always enjoy your photos


  6. these restored sites/towns are a wonderful thing … we visited provins also a unesco site/town and it was fascinating to step into the past


  7. What a stunning town, although I could imagine that it was pretty stark and bleak there in the winter many years ago. But these days, what a vista!


  8. Definitely charming! I wonder how they have grass roofs that don’t leak? I would think that constant moisture would cause rotting of wooden rafters. Old world charm perfectly captured!


  9. Great pics. I love the idea of living in the mountains right up until I think up the snowfall… blech. It takes special people to live there. Cheers, Danette


  10. It is so good to these houses still being used hundreds of years after they were first constructed. I imagine it looks completely different there in the midst of Summer.


  11. what a fascinating place this must be to visit. Does the grass on the roof help with insulation? I would love some of those boards to use as food photography tables! Have a wonderful week and thank you for stopping by my blog today.


  12. To see such details… and to discover a part of history, an old mining town, so interesting site… That – it remindes me that we have to protect them (we have in Apuseni Mountaines, too – old mining towns and places like these ones!!). Gladly to look at these beautiful serie of images!


  13. Great shots of a beautiful place ~ love the rustic look and that even the dog has a house ~ Fascinating post for OWT ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)


  14. Couldn’t have been too mild a winter if there are still icicles on the eaves in April! That village is absolutely so charming — like something out of a fairy tale. I am so glad to know it is a World Heritage Site.


  15. Interesting and informative post. The structures look solid and seems like it will keep out the cold when you’re inside. Love that pets have their own wooden huts too. Very nice shots.


  16. Old black wooden houses with grass roofs and chimneys – how fascinating. This is the place I really want to visit. Nice place for filming.



  17. Beautiful! I have relatives in Idaho, USA, who live on ranches with old buildings with the same dark almost black patina. Some of them are a 100 years old or so and look much like the ones you picture. They don’t have grass roofs though.


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