The Flatiron

As you read this, I’ll be enjoying a flaky croissant or three in Paris with my daughter (so won’t be around to visit until the end of the week).

Just over a year ago, we visited friends in another great city – New York – and, of course, I had to photograph some of its iconic buildings.

Flatiron 2

My daughter recognized it straight away.

“Look! It’s like one of those old-fashioned irons that people used to use in the olden days!”

Just imagine seeing it for the first time in a city that wasn’t yet used to skyscrapers back in 1902.


Alfred Stieglitz took a very famous photo of the building in 1903 —

And one that I tried to recreate for fun.

I’ll leave you with one of his quotations:

I have always been a great believer in today. Most people live either in the past or in the future, so that they really never live at all. So many people are busy worrying about the future of art or society, they have no time to preserve what is. Utopia is in the moment. Not in some future time, some other place, but in the here and now, or else it is nowhere.

Flatiron old copy

55 thoughts on “The Flatiron

  1. Have an extra croissant for me. YUM! Love that building and would enjoy seeing what they’ve done with it inside too.


  2. Beautiful building and quote…. I know you enjoyed your New York visit –and I’m sure you and your daughter will enjoy your Paris visit also…



  3. Enjoy the croissants, Paris in springtime and time with your daughter. Sounds like all the makings for a great adventure.

    The photos, the quote have the lofting perfume of Zen-like. Crisp and true, no denying the aroma of wisdom.


  4. Mmm, bring some Croissant back with you. Let the smell of them, and coffee wash over the internet.



  5. That building is SO awesome I doubt I’ll ever see a BAD photo of it!! Look forward to seeing more of your travels – but also of your homecoming!!


  6. wonderful photos! our daughter is going to Paris in a couple of weeks with her French class from school. I was there once, when I was 17. Have a fantastic time. And don’t do any old fashioned ironing, even if they have one in your hotel room closet.


  7. Excellent shots of an iconic structure. Brings back the absolute thrill and delight I felt when I finally got to visit NYC a few years ago…a lifelong dream to do so.


  8. I enjoyed seeing these photos– This building was a familiar sight to me for so many years…it is hard for me to believe I live far away from it now. Every new place is an adventure — beauty is everywhere!


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