Eating your way into spring

When you live in a cold country, you have to seize every chance to celebrate.

Friday dawned very cold and snowy: a perfect day to celebrate spring!

In Sweden, Annunciation Day, also known as Our Lady’s Day, is commonly called Waffle Day.

This is because Our Lady’s Day is ‘Vårfrudagen’ in Swedish.

If you say that very quickly, it sounds like ‘Våffeldagen’, which means Waffle Day.

And Swedes take this very seriously. It’s time to take out the waffle iron

And make the waffle mixture and cook until golden brown.

Each part of the waffle is shaped like a heart and a whole waffle is made up of five small hearts… Waffles must be the food of love, don’t you think?

(The waffle iron does all the work and tells you when the waffles are ready, so there is very little chance of burning them!)

Then comes the fun part – decorating your waffle with fresh fruit and cream.


So next time someone says, “What a load of waffle!” The only response can be: “Yes please!”

For more traditions, please visit: My World!

74 thoughts on “Eating your way into spring

  1. I have been thinking about waffles for the past week or so! Yummers! I love them with fruit but love them even more with white sauce (a sweet gravy)!!

    These pictures would make a best seller of a cookbook!


  2. They look so delicious but I am surprised you can get strawberries in March. I must be thinking of my childhood in Denmark when you couldn’t get a huge selection of fruit. Times have changed.


  3. delicious photographs.
    ummmm! I will whet the appetite.
    thank you very much for your comments on my blog. I’m happy you like my photos.
    I love your dog. he is very happy.
    kisses and hugs


  4. Boom & I do pancakes with maple syrup. Of course Boom doesn’t have any but he has another treat!! It’s the need of protein to ward off the cold. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.


  5. I’m sure even you, Fi, won’t imagine how long I stared and stared at that first photo. Wishing I could will it to where I sit here in snowy CO. The fruit looks luscious, too. Ah, well …


  6. What a delicious waffle! You know that Gouda is also famous for its waffles. Actually there are two thin waffles and syrup in between.They are nice but I think yours are even better.


  7. Happy Lady’s Day, Lady Fi. Even your pictures of food are suitable for framing. You have taken the celebratory waffle to new heights of yumminess.


  8. It’s almost bedtime here in Seattle and now I’m already longing for breakfast! I do love waffles and particularly with fruit! Yours look SO yummy! A delightful, taste tempting post for the day! I love it — even if I have to go to bed hungry!!



  9. the Swedish waffles look so delicious. They make my mouth water! I love traditions and I think it is very important to keep them; especially the waffles!


  10. Yummy!!!

    We love waffles – the smell of them always takes us back to our years living in Belgium when in the depths of winter, the smell of the waffle van outside the park made a long walk even more enjoyable knowing there was a hot waffle with chocolate sauce at the end of it.

    We loved that all the ice-cream men turned their vans into waffle vans for the winter!

    You’ve made us want waffles!!


  11. Must get out the waffle iron. If my observance is a little late, well, it was my great-grandfather who was Swedish and sometimes traditions take a while to transmit!


  12. Yummmy! There’s an annual Scandanavian festival in a little town near where we live in Oregon (the town is called Junction City (Yunction City? OK, sorry ’bout that ;>))….anyway the waffle booths are justifiably popular. Nice to know where the tradition comes from. They sometimes serve them with lingonberries which I had never heard of until we went there the first time. Also there’s a booth or two making aebelskivers. And, oh gosh, I just finished breakfast and my tummy is growling again.


  13. I remember your waffle day from last year! But this year’s food photography is absolutely gorgeous. Am I sensing a new macro lens….? I have exactly the same waffle iron, but not the same sense of food presentation flair!
    Happy Waffle Day! Happy Spring!


  14. Looks delicious. Today dawned cold and snowy here – I wish I’d thought of making a waffle like that! Although I had to get to work, so it’s better for a weekend.


  15. Våffeldagen looks like a day I could enjoy celebrating! Delicious photos you have here. Our waffle iron happens to make squares, but I like the fruit and cream!


  16. I love the way Swedes have so many days dedicated to dessert items. We had to resort to frozen berries because there were no fresh ones here in bondvischan 🙂


  17. YUM, we had waffles the other night, they are yummy! We had strawberry jam and sour cream on them…yum!! But yours look wonderful with all the fresh fruit…will have to try that next time…there are many “waffle” days in a year here in the woods!!! 🙂


  18. Oh my goodness glory!!! When I was cookin’ a healthy breakfast Saturday all I could think of was how good some Belgium Waffles topped with strawberries would be! Then I sat down and ate my oatmeal.

    I just wanted to apologize to ya. I didn’t realize ’til this mornin’ but I was the only one who could view the pics on my last post. Dang Picasa! I posted again usin’ Photobucket so pop on over if ya get a chance!

    God bless and have a wonderful day!!! :o)


  19. Promise that when I visit you, some day, you will cook those heart shaped waffles for me! They look soooooo good I licked the computer screen!!

    What a YUMMY post, Fi!!


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