Inside our shells

Have you ever wondered what the snail does inside its house?

Does it store its dreams and hopes there? Does it keep its love inside delicately striped shell?

Does it withdraw inside itself when cold winds blow? And is it a safe place in which to withstand the assaults of time and life?


We too build up our defenses, our houses to protect ourselves.

And just like the snail, our shells are delicate – easily crushed by an action or a careless word.

In your next encounter with snail or person, take a moment to cherish the beauty and complexity of the lovely shells we all carry.

For more animal encounters, please visit: Pet Pride!

37 thoughts on “Inside our shells

  1. I saw a snail the other day and thought about the weight of carrying a house on one’s back. The economy is hitiing home! Ilike your take on the snail!


  2. I just got over the stress about your backpack”!….makes me feel sick just thinking about the sinking feeling in your tummy when you realised it was not with you!

    Love the snail and shell thoughts!


  3. I do like snails – such interesting patterns on them. Snails will soon be sealing their shells for hibernation, rather like shutting up the (holiday) house for winter.


  4. Snails are becoming a pest in my garden! So I never would have though to think of what they do in there shell….
    But I think you analogy is really thought inspiring.


  5. I too must admit to throwing them over the patio fence, into I hope greener pastures. They do masses of damage, but in the last few years, I have been throwing more gently.

    A beautifully written post, and a wonderful analogy.



  6. I feel sorry for the snail, he /she must be lonely..there is only room for him/her. No room for visitors..just a beautiful mansion that he must carry around..until someone steps on him and releases him to death..where maybe he will be free to have house guests. Just my far sided view:)


  7. hey Lady Fi, aren’t they like hermit crabs and ditch shells when they outgrow them, or do their shells grow as they do? I never thought much about it. perhaps it has to do with the genus.


  8. I like to think that the shell has lots of shelves inside bursting with little trinkets. It has a wee sofa and after the long struggle to the leaf the snail retreats into it’s shell for a cuppa 🙂

    I love the sentiment of this post!! I think people really need to think about how they treat and label others!!

    C x


  9. I always feel so sad for snails hiding in their fragile shells hoping it will protect them from the careless foot. I wonder if we’re like that, too.


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