The right at-tire

I woke up this morning to this… A giant pumpkin trying to steal our car tyres!

Oh – hang on! It’s only Sir Pe putting on the winter tyres (or tires, if you are American).

Although you shouldn’t believe everything you read in the papers, the weather forecast is predicting snow. Or, at the very least, slippery roads.

So, Sir Pe got all dressed up. Well, at least the colour was right! But I think he put that overall on …

… because he didn’t want to wear this:

I was thinking of surprising him with a Total Car Makeover, but ran out of paint, not to mention pumpkins, before achieving my goal.

I think the car was secretly relieved.

Well, whatever you decide to do today, make it worthwhile and fun!

10 thoughts on “The right at-tire

  1. That is too funny! I hope you stay warm. We are always so glad when the kids don’t need their snow gear on for trick or treating–today is beautiful here!


  2. I totally know what you are talking about…our tires are next. We have our “winter appt” at the auto shop Tuesday for the tire change! This practice cracks me up! Never in Texas would you do such a thing. I cannot wait to feel the difference when I drive because Mads assures me you will feel it!


  3. Hayseed and Jen: Spooky halloween hugs to you too!

    Po: My thoughts exactly!

    Tracy: It was freezing so we only visited four houses. But that was enough for a whole stash of sweet things.

    Far Side: LOL! You’re right…

    Kelli: If your tyres have studs in, you’ll hear and feel the difference. This year we have snow and mud tyres that do not have studs. Much quieter.

    DVMs wife: I trawl the Net in search of photos that I am allowed to use to entertain my insatiable readers.


  4. Us Americanos dunno what winter tires are, so you can call them tires or tyres…it’s hot hot hot…

    Btw…I am never ever going back to Sweden again. Gonna find me a new hubby right here with shitloads of cash and stay.

    Just don’t tell my man if my plan doesn’t pan out ;o)


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