May postcard

May is the time of birdsong and golden light.

A visitor dropped by – flew straight into the kitchen

And demanded coffee with a merry song.


As the sun sets later and later,

Its golden light paints everything

With honeyed tones

Glittering jetty

And is the perfect background

For a friend’s dog shaking herself dry

After an evening dip.

Shake it copy

As for Oscar — he loves contemplating

A May sunset …

But no prizes for guessing

What he did next.

Yes – he went for a swim. After all, who could resist?

Sun dog

For more honeyed stories, please visit: Our World Tuesday

92 thoughts on “May postcard

  1. I love your colorful little guest and I always enjoy seeing the “contemplative” Oscar appreciating his beautiful world!! Breathtaking skies and colors and superb captures as always!! Thanks for sharing the beauty! Have a great week!


  2. Such beautiful color in all those photos but the little bird on the glass is magical! If I left my doors open all I would get would be a houseful of mosquitoes and sand flies – and all biting!!


  3. oh i will take birdsong with my coffee…i do most days on the back porch as i watch the sun turn the mountain…
    absolutely beautiful view you have…and if we get a few more degrees up i might jump in with your friend….smiles.


  4. I love waking up to the birds singing.
    Funny thing was this weekend we had a guest from out-of-town and he complained about their ‘racket’ to each his own… LOL

    Truly beautiful shots.


  5. Lovely sky shots, the best place for a swim. Love that bird sitting on the coffee cup, it must have been a surprise for you.


  6. Did the bird escape safely? My fiancee and I had a bird fly into her kitchen last month and she captured some photos. The bird then flew back into his world 🙂


  7. Your photos are so crisp and clear, I feel like I can reach out and splash in the water, too! And I love your banner. I would like to try to make one that changes! How awesome! Enjoy your day! Hugs, Diane


  8. I love all these golden images!! The dog shaking the water from her fur makes me laugh!! I know just how hard it is to get a good shot of that activity!!
    May I make a print of the image of the little bird in the kitchen to send to my Mom, who does not have a computer? I think it would surprise and delight her!!


  9. Fantastic! I loved reading this post and looking at your splendid photography. Beautiful begun with the little bird and lovingly ended with the ever sweet Oscar!


  10. Gorgeous sunset shots here! Always been a fan of your lake shots. The photo of the little visitor was definitely a pleasant surprise!


  11. I’ve said it before and no doubt I’ll say it again you live in a very beautiful part of the world which you capture so beautifully Fiona.


  12. What a great picture of that bird. I was just feet from a hawk the other day and no camera- not even my phone! 😦 Oscar is the best!! Cheers, Danette


  13. Oh what a sweet visitor you had at breakfast time. It was nice that it stayed long enough for you to get a photo to share with us.


  14. The first image of the visitor -a bird never goes and stays still for moment where it doesn’t feel safe -testament to the host.

    I missed these, sorry. But am so glad I retraced back to them. Good shtufffs.


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