Of waffles and spring

Every year, just after the Spring Equinox, the Swedes celebrate spring by eating waffles.

The sun was up early – casting a cozy golden glow on the day.

In the woods, I looked for signs of spring:

Glowing green cups of sunshine;

Melted ice puddles

Creating artistic reflections;

And the golden thread of a cobweb

Slung across a 1,000-year-old Viking rune stone.

The most delicious delicious sign of spring was found at home:

Golden heart-shaped waffles topped with fresh fruit.

The Swedes have been eating waffles to celebrate spring since the 1600s —

So it would be rude not to join in.

Do you suppose we could call them eggy-maniacs?

For more waffle, please visit: Our World.

102 thoughts on “Of waffles and spring

  1. I believe this is the very first time I’ve been delighted, awe-inspired, and hungry all at the same time as the result of a post…


  2. Delicious looking waffles! One of my favorite breakfasts!! Your captures are fantastic as always, I love the Rune stone and the beautiful reflections! Delightful way to begin my day! Hope your week is going well!



  3. I’m surprised to see Swedes eating waffles for breakfast. Perhaps it’s a dessert in Sweden, unlike the U.S. I love the spring photos and the golden sunlight to tie in with the golden waffles.


  4. Beautiful photos! Wish we were as close to spring as you seem to be. We had snow again yesterday and last night. But today looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day!!!


  5. They can call them anything they want to! I’ll help to eat them! lol
    That reflection shot,Fiona, is really nice!


  6. I wonder who picked waffles? It sounds good to me So that is what a rune stone really looks like. It is much more artistic than I expected it to be.
    Nice sun shot.


  7. I believe I inadvertently celebrated spring in the Swedish way — I made homemade waffles a few days after spring!!! Your photo looks way way way yummier! We don’t any good looking berries like that yet.


  8. oh my, that makes me hunger for waffles. I love the glow in the first shot, and the reflections. and the light in the rune shot (I’d love to have that in my yard). your photos always blow me away. Happy day to you Fiona. and happy spring too.


  9. A year has passed already… I remember this from last year! The waffles are picture perfect. Makes me hungry!! -Danette


  10. What a yummy way to celebrate Spring. I love waffles and your looks so delicious. The shots of the sun rising and the shot of the rune stone is cool. Thanks for sharing your world, Happy Spring!


  11. Dear LadyFi, I have so missed your beautiful, eye-soothing, soul massaging images. I’ve been behind the firewall erected by China to keep us off social media, and only recently I found a program to bust through… but it makes blog hopping sooo sloooow. This city I am in is also showing signs of spring, but not the fresh, bright, breath-in-deep kind you are showing us. Thank you.


  12. It’s tasty custom on the Spring Equinox. we have おはぎ(rice cake covered with bean jam) on that day around. Great captures of the sun as usual.


  13. Ah, I remember your waffle day post from last year or the year before – and that it came about because ‘waffle day’ sounds similar in pronunciation to something else, which is what the say really is. And now that you have shown us your waffles, I think I will make some for tea! The ancient Viking rune stone looks beautiful.


    1. You have a good memory. They call it Waffle Day because it’s actually Annunciation or Our Lady’s Day, which is Vår Fru Dag. If you say that quickly enough in Swedish, it sounds like: Våffel Dag.


  14. The waffle looks like a great way to celebrate Spring. Perhaps we should start that custom over here. Your early morning photos are exquisite. I like all of them for the light and color that you’ve captured.


  15. I don’t really need a reason to celebrate spring, certainly not when it’s made to look as fantastic as in your photos, but I’ll gladly make an exception for the waffle. Delicious.


  16. Hi There, Oh–those waffles!!!! I can almost taste them… Wish we had that tradition here!!!! ha (Maybe I’ll just make it a tradition next year on the first day of Spring!!!)… They truly look delicious.

    I love your spring photos. The cobweb one is good –but my favorite is the first one –with the morning sunshine… Awesome.



  17. What stunning captures, from the reflections in shimmery waters, to the sunset and yummy looking waffles. My grandchildren and I had waffles for breakfast, but not like yours.


  18. OH, here is full of tender and mellow spring! To visit your blog always gives me delight. I do not know how I can express the shades of lights which are gorgeous but delicate in your first photo. Over my vocabulary!
    Ladyfi, thanks a lot for sweet temptation!! Mouthwatering.


  19. Love all the photos…the rune stone was so interesting. The carving is so sharp after being out in the elements for so long. Thank you for sharing your beautiful images.


  20. What a great tradition. I love the idea of waffles on the first day of spring. Maybe I will have to copy you all and do it here in Virginia. All of your photos are beautiful but the one with the reflections is by far my favorite. It is awesome. Such a nice post. genie


  21. Her også enestående vakre bilder!! =) Ser ut som du har hatt en trivelig skogstur, og med flotte bilder på kjøpet! 🙂 Vaffeldagen har nok ikke vært så vanlig i Norge.. det er først kommet de siste årene.. tror jeg.. Jeg synes svenskene er mye bedre på å *feire* flere forskjellige dager enn oss her i Norge.. 🙂 Og for en fristelse det siste bildet her – mmmm! Jeg hadde faktisk tenkt å lage vafler på vaffeldagen, men jeg og min samboer var ute sååå lenge! Men uten at jeg hadde tenkt over det, hadde jeg kjøpt med belgiske vafler fra matbutikken.. :)) så da ble det jo vafler likevel..


  22. Just found your lovely blog after searching for some pictures to accompany a blog-entry about childhood memories, funnily enough made in Sweden when I was young!
    I have borrowed one of your pictures, I hope that is alright! Of course linked to your blog. Hope you have had a lovely Easter!


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