
Last week I went to a small mining town called Roros in the Norwegian mountains.

(You can see pictures of it here.)

It snowed and snowed and I fell in love with the perfectly preserved wooden houses

That make up the town. Most of these houses are about 300 years old.

Back then, the people worked in the copper mines (now closed)

And lived in these beautiful cottages,

Although I’m sure they were considered to be the huts of the poor in those days.

Even the rubbish bins on the streets were picturesque.

Twisting lanes, old wood and the heavy snow

All added to the enchantment.

In a secret old courtyard,

I discovered Santa’s sleigh —

And then I knew I was in a fairytale

(At least for a couple of days).

For more enchantment, please visit: Our World.

108 thoughts on “Enchanted

  1. Completely and totally charming. Do people live in those homes now? I’ll go to your link and read about it — just wanted to comment before I forgot where I was, which often happens when I start clicking. Wonderful pictures of what really does look like an enchanted fairyland. Thanks!!


  2. Ha — that was your own link — I hadn’t even recognized it as the same place until I clicked and then I thought ‘of course !’….but I googled Roros and answered my question. Fascinating to think of living in the middle of a Heritage site like that!


    1. What a delightful and fun place to visit and so much history! I love the red painted wood, too, and the sleigh is the perfect touch with all the snow! What a fun trip you had! Thanks for sharing it with us!!



  3. Wow! That’s still strong wooden old houses… these all put me spellbind! Its overall impressive esp. the Santa’s cart.


  4. wow…this is def a fascinating place…i love all the wood structures…they def give a lot of texture to your pics and are pleasing to the eye…would be cool to explore a place like this…


  5. The craftsmanship back then is a testimony to how well things were done. And your photos Fiona capture its essence so well!


  6. You are so right about the enchantment. I also knew where you were coming from about those lovely cottages being ‘homes for the poor’. In the city in which I live the street which has the most expensive and upmarket homes (now) was first set aside as homes for the poor with extra land so they could grow their own vegetables.


  7. ladyfi,
    These pictures show perfect match of traditional old structures and snow. Who can resist their graceful charm!! I wish I could see them. I always love old wooden buildings. Fascinating photos as usual!


  8. 300 years old–amazing. The houses are quite charming and picturesque–the sled was a nice “extra” to discover. A lovely post on a most interesting place. Mickie 🙂


  9. Thanks for the enchanting pictures – I felt drawn back through time. New to the blog, liked your name from Jayne’s World and came over to read a post…love the Thoreau quote.


  10. GORGEOUS photos!! =) We don’t have many “old towns” in Norway, but this is the one!! And it’s sooo beautiful there! And your photos are showing its beauty!! =)


  11. The snowfall was perfect in this enchanting village. It’s hard to believe that those beautiful buildings are 300 years old. Your photos are supurb. Thanks for sharing this fairy tale setting with us.


  12. Pingback: roskiwilliamssmit
  13. The snow’s melted where I live, but I can practically hear the cold; it’s probably also warm in those houses though. Also, that quote by Thoreau — the one in the banner — has a nice pertinence to the mix of images and description..


  14. Wow, amazing! I love this – so charming and such great detail in your photos. I’m drawn to the roof. It looks like many things are growing on top of the cottages.


  15. oh my word Fiona, I would have considered this heaven. You’ve captured the white, snowy, minimal beauty in all its magnificence. what fabulous shots. happy week to you.


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