New York, New York!

Travel is a way of keeping yourself humble;

Of opening up to new people and experiences —


Of finding love and beauty

Everywhere in the world we live in.


I’m so lucky to be going back

To the vibrant city of New York.


I won’t be around until the end of next week —

Until then, take care!


For more new stories, please visit: Our World.

76 thoughts on “New York, New York!

  1. Safe travels… Hope you enjoy your time in our country—even if it is short… Maybe sometime, if you are ‘on business taking photos here’–they’ll send you out into the more beautiful areas of our country.



  2. offer still holds .. you can get in touch via email – fashionistanyc at gmail and come visit me at the office …


    1. Thanks Daryl! I hope I’ll have time to visit… I’ll be staying in New Jersey with friends, so I’m not sure what we will be doing.

      Lady Fi wrote: > >


  3. “I’m so lucky to be going back

    To the vibrant city of New York.”

    As you already know, I feel exactly the same as you when it comes to New York! There is nothing quite like it – the vibrant lights and energy! I try to go 1-2 times a month because I get so creatively inspired from being there.

    Have a wonderful time, my friend. Can’t wait to see your photographs. And speaking of photographs, I love these; especially the last one of the windows and fire escapes!

    Safe travels!


  4. Great capture from the New York and the emergence post-box is pretty new for me! Fabulous reflections and lovely balcony rails…. Enjoy the visit 🙂


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