86 thoughts on “Over the rainbow

  1. Wonderful, misty captures indeed, Fiona!! Love the fog and the droplets of water on the flowers!! Exquisite!! Definitely looking forward to more!! Hope you have a great new week!!


  2. The fallen leaf reminds me of a tanka poem a friend of mine made. She refers to fallen leaves in the woods as a “leaf”glass.


  3. Stupendous….the photos AND your lovely words to correspond. That falling leaf was timed so well….you were there at the right time and the right place. I think I love the shocking pink blossom bowing its head at the end of summer best of all today.


  4. Staggeringly beautiful, Fiona. The falling leaf is a stunning catch. I love it when the leaves begin to drift down and a soft mist rolls in. Gorgeous autumn. xoxo


  5. I love all your dew drops!!! And the mist! I am wondering whether the construction workers will get out of the area, so I can see the mist on the river…


  6. Very beautiful, really very beautiful. I always try to photograph a rainbow, but I’ve never gotten him in the picture. Also, your other pictures are great with the haze of fog and also the swirling leaf in the 3rd picture. The drops on the flowers are amazing.


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