Snow blossoms

There is something so delightful

About the bright light of spring

And the cold of a lingering winter.

If you look carefully, you can find snow moons

Dancing on the snow.

Snow moons copy

And instead of flowers,

We have snow blossoms

And dazzling light.

snow blossoms

And – just as in real life —

You might be lucky to find

A diamond in the rough.

Diamond in the rough

For more hidden jewels, please visit: Our World.

92 thoughts on “Snow blossoms

  1. Would you believe we finally got snow here? We started to have green come up from the ground…and NOW the snow arrives! It looks so much prettier in your pictures!


  2. Beautiful, snowy capture for the day, Fiona! You have a way of showing your snowy world that makes me want to see snow falling!!!! But today we are blessed with blue, blue skies and mild temps and I have to admit, it does look lovely! Hope your week is off to a great start! Enjoy!


  3. Snow blossoms is what we have too, Fiona… My today’s blog is on our early spring flowers –but I added some snow pictures at the end… Gads–when will spring get here???? ha

    Love your snow blossoms.


  4. snow blossoms….smiles…we have them too…it snowed 6 inches yesterday….its nice…i wasnt happy at first but standing out in the hush of it last night it was peaceful…


  5. Lady Fi, your descriptions of your snowy world are delightful. I like snow moons, they are just lovely. Your images are beautiful. Have a happy day!


  6. Even though I am so fed up of the snow, cold and wintry conditions you photos brought a smile to my face as your words and pictures do indeed look like jewels.


  7. The word “snow blossoms” reminds me of Japanese word “botan-yuki (peony-snow)” which is large flakes of snow. Cherry blossoms falling in the wind looks like falling snow and vice versa. Collaboration of light and snow is magically beautiful.


  8. that first one is so beautiful and fragile.
    We also had some snow this week while it’s supposed to be spring 🙂
    But I don’t mind.


  9. Nydelige bilder … du får vinteren til å se vakker ut! Det er disse blomstene jeg kan “hygge” meg med også. Snøen ligger ennå rundt huset, men minker litt for hver dag. I fjor på denne tid blomstret krokus og snøklokker, sukk …. men den som venter på noe godt, venter ikke forgjeves 🙂

    God påske!


  10. I have always loved the dry grass or any dry flowers that last through seasons.;) Lovely photography.;) xoxo


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