August’s last song

It started with a lone bird

Out there in tangled clouds of lilac.

A sense of melancholy was shared by myself

And my daughter.

Was this really the last evening of summer?

The lone bird’s cry was

Taken up by others

So that soon they sounded like the honking of laughing clowns.

Before leaving, they flew into formation

Spread out neatly behind a forest of sails

As if to draw the eye to the light on the horizon

And the hope of another season.

(Click the photos to enlarge.)

Please visit Skywatch for more clouds.

46 thoughts on “August’s last song

  1. Frankly, this is so awesome and so beautiful – the lone bird, the formation of birds – that it looks like a work of art, not a work of nature.

    But it really is both, isn’t it?

    All the best,


  2. I saw our birds migrating south yesterday. I guess they´re looking for better climates.
    I can actually feel the season changing in your photos.


  3. Ah, yes, we can feel summer slipping away here in the northwest and I share your feelings! Your photos are fantastic! Love the lone bird and your last shot is superb! And you say it all so well! Hope you have a beautiful weekend!



  4. great series of photos.Let’s hope we will have some more warm sunny days though. The last one with lines in two directions, sail vertical and flying birds horisontal is perfect!.Hope your Friday started as sunny as mine!


  5. Oh my!! Those look very dark and threatening clouds!!

    It might be the end of summer but at least we have autumn to look forward to before the dreaded winter approaches 🙂

    C x


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